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Anesthesia Options

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Oral Facial Surgery of Orange Park provides anesthesia options in Orange Park, Florida. Call 904-269-5195 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Is Anesthesia?

Anesthesia is used to control sensation or awareness during surgical procedures. Anesthesia can be an effective tool for patients who are anxious or nervous about receiving oral surgery. It may also be used for particularly invasive, complex, or lengthy procedures for the comfort and well-being of the patient.

Benefits of Anesthesia

Anesthesia offers many benefits:

Reduces anxiety. Many people are anxious when it comes to oral surgery. Anesthesia can prevent discomfort and reduce anxiety so that patients can get the care they need without the emotional and physical side effects.

Relieves stress. Anesthesia can reduce the stress associated with oral surgery, providing a more relaxing experience.

Helps procedures seem shorter. Anesthesia can make longer procedures seem shorter. Time seems to pass more quickly when you are less aware of what is going on around you.

Allows patients to receive necessary treatment. In cases of severe anxiety, patients may avoid treatment altogether and their health may suffer as a result. Anesthesia can make it possible for patients to get the care they need.

Assists patients with special needs. Patients with special needs may require anesthesia to undergo oral surgery in a safe and stress-free manner.

Anesthesia Options We Offer

We provide the following anesthesia options:

Local Anesthetic. With local anesthesia the patient remains totally conscious throughout the procedure. A local anesthetic (e.g. lidocaine) is administered in the area where the surgery is to be performed. Local anesthetic is used in conjunction with the other methods of anesthesia in all oral surgery procedures.

Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous oxide is delivered through a mask worn over the nose. As you breathe it in you begin to feel calm and relaxed. Some patients experience a heavy feeling in their arms and legs and a tingling sensation in their fingers and toes. It takes effect quickly and wears off quickly so you can resume your regular daily activities afterwards. You do not need an escort to or from your appointment and you are able to drive yourself home following your procedure.

Conscious Oral Sedation. An oral sedative can be prescribed for you to take before your procedure so it has time to take effect. You will be awake but may feel sleepy or groggy. You will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment as it may take a few hours to wear off afterward.

IV Sedation. Medication can be delivered intravenously to provide a deeper level of sedation. You may feel as if you are asleep and may not remember anything about the procedure afterwards, but you are technically conscious and responsive during the procedure. Supplemental oxygen is delivered through a nasal breathing apparatus and the patient’s vital signs are closely monitored.

Hospital or Surgery Center Based General Anesthesia. The patient is admitted to a hospital or surgery center where anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist. Indicated for patients undergoing extensive procedures such as face and jaw reconstruction and TMJ surgery. Also indicated for patients with medical conditions such as heart disease or lung disease who require general anesthesia.

Are You A Good Candidate for Anesthesia?

You may be a good candidate for anesthesia if you feel anxious about an upcoming procedure or if it is recommended by your oral surgeon. A full medical history will be needed including a complete list of medications you are currently taking to ensure that sedation is a safe option for you.

Why Choose Oral Facial Surgery of Orange Park?

We provide anesthesia options for your comfort and convenience. Our goal is to provide you with the care you need in a relaxing, comfortable environment. Our surgeons and assistants are highly qualified and experienced with various anesthesia options. We carefully monitor patients while under sedation to ensure they are safe and well. Our team undergoes monthly emergency training as well as annual BLS (Basic Life Support) training to stay ready for any emergency. You can trust us to treat you with respect and compassion at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Is nitrous oxide safe?
Numerous studies have shown that nitrous oxide is a safe and effective option for most patients. There are certain health conditions that may disqualify you for nitrous oxide, such as respiratory conditions that require you to have supplemental oxygen. For most patients nitrous oxide is the safest form of sedation available in dentistry.
Is IV sedation the same as general anesthesia?
IV sedation is a lighter level of sedation than general anesthesia. You are technically conscious and breathing on your own when you are under IV sedation, but with general anesthesia you are so deeply sedated that you require breathing assistance.
Is sedation covered by insurance?
Local anesthesia is considered to be necessary for oral surgery, and in some cases additional anesthesia may be recommended. Insurance coverage for anesthesia depends on whether or not it is considered to be medically necessary. Anesthesia is worth it in many cases if it helps make your experience less stressful. Your coverage will be discussed with you during your consultation by a member of our patient care team.
How long does it take to recover from sedation?
Recovery time depends on the type of anesthesia that is used. Nitrous oxide wears off immediately afterwards, so there is no recovery time necessary. Oral sedatives and IV sedation take longer to wear off and will require you to rest at home for the remainder of the day following your procedure.
What type of sedation is best?
The type of anesthesia that would be best for you depends on the type of procedure and your own personal preference. Your oral surgeon will make a recommendation for anesthesia according to the situation. We encourage you to ask questions in your consultation so our team members and Dr. Semidey can help you make the best decision for your care.

To learn more, call 904-269-5195 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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2301 Park Ave, Suite #101
Orange Park, FL 32073
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